yoonkook starry sky: sun and moon
where one is his moon, and the other is their sun
one brushes against the other...
...sparks fly and stars align and everything smiles
this is the journey of sun and moon
this is a zine focused on the relationship between min yoongi and jeon jungkook, further narrowing the scope to incorporate the beauty and chaos of the stars, sun, and moon.
the main "zine" will be split and composed of two smaller zines: sun zine and moon zine. an equal number of artists and writers will be accepted for each zine. this is done in an effort to show the differences that can occur, as well as to relay an opposite yet reflective experience, in that yoonkook will always be connected, as they share they same stars in the same sky.
tentative schedule:
interest check - late november to late december
contributor applications - mid january to mid/late february
contributor results - late february
creation period - march to late june
preorders - july
production and shipping - august to late september
hello! it's nice to meet all of you!
my name is luna (she/her), otherwise known as @sugakookd on twitter or daegu_phool on ao3

basic things about me:
i've been writing fanfiction/original fiction for over ten years
i have a cat named kuro who i adore with all my heart
(he is displayed above sitting on top of jk)
i've been a BTS fan and ynkker since summer of 2017
i graduated december of 2021 with my bachelor's in accounting, whoo
if there's anything else you want to know me, my personal DMs are always open. i'm always happy to meet new people :)
while i've never been a fandom-specific moderator, i have essentially completed the entirety of the zine process on my own for my own personal projects. since 2015, i've been creating personal zines with my own writing ranging from 50-200 pages, including editing and formatting and cover design. the process for a zine is almost exactly the same, except for the fact that i will not be doing any of the content work, but instead facilitating the creation of the zine into existence as a whole.
i feel confident in my abilities to bring this zine into fruition, as it's something i've always been passionate about. the feeling of holding your words, your very own creations, in the palms of your hand as a physical representation is like no other. there is a lot of pride that goes into it, and i would never dare disappoint any contributor who chooses to trust me with their precious work.
1) what is this fanzine about? -- this zine will revolve around the platonic and/or romantic relationship between jeon jungkook and min yoongi, while also incorporating the motifs of the sky, sun, and moon within the stories and art
2) will this zine be physical or digital or both? -- as of the current results of the interest check, we will try to create both a physical AND digital version of the zine
3) what makes the zine split into sun and moon? -- the project will create two smaller zines called sun zine and moon zine, which together make up the entirety of starry sky zine
4) what is the difference between sun zine and moon zine? -- sun zine will focus on lighter themes, such as fluff, happy/hopeful endings, domesticity, and will include motifs and symbols like the sun, light, colorful flowers, life, and can be geared more toward realistic concepts. moon zine will focus on darker themes, such as angst, hurt/comfort, sad/bittersweet endings, mystery, thriller, and will include motifs such as the moon, darkness, wild forests, loss, and can tend toward more fantastical concepts, including magic and wonder.
5) can contributors create for both sun and moon zines? -- no. contributors will be asked which zine they prefer to create for, and they will only create for one of the two zines.
6) why can't contributors create for both, if they would want to? -- the rule to only let a contributor create for either sun or moon has been made so that we can extend an invitation to contribute to more writers/artists than a usual zine would offer, so that there can be more acceptances than rejections.
7) are contributors limited to the the key concepts, themes, and motifs of the individual sun/moon zines? -- not necessarily. the sun and moon zines are created separately, and while i primarily want to highlight the differences between the sun and moon zines, pieces that want to explore their similarities instead are more than welcome. i would just ask that the contributor talk to the head mod beforehand before beginning their art/story so that everyone is on the same page.
8) how many contributors will be accepted? -- sun zine and moon zine will each have about 8-12 writers and 30-32 artists. these numbers are tentative though, and are always subject to change until application results are announced.
9) where will the profit go? -- as of the current results of the interest check, there is a majority vote for giving the proceeds to a non-profit. the choice of non-profit will be determined at a later date.
10) how will the contributors be compensated? -- since the project will have double the amount of contributors of a normal zine and it would heavily cut into profits to send everyone a full physical bundle, the contributors will only be getting the digital versions of both sun and moon zines as their compensation.
11) will there be merch? -- yes. however, because there will be two zines instead of one, the focus on merch is diminished. the merch that will be created will be determined by the results of the interest check.
12) will there be applications open for merch artist and/or cover artist? -- the merch artist and cover artist will be brought into the project as guest artists, and will be pre-selected by the mod.
13) why are the merch and cover artists pre-selected? -- this is because this is the mod's first zine project, and there is also an effort to streamline the application process a little and focus more on apps for writers and general artists, who will be the focal point of this project.
14) how long will the written works be in the zines? -- this ultimately depends on the amount of writers per zine, but as of right now, the estimate is between 1000 to 1500 words.
15) how will the contributors be chosen? -- the contributors will be chosen based on the quality of their work, and how well their portfolio seems to mesh with their choice of zine (sun or moon). the mod will NOT be taking follower amount into account.
16) can applicants apply for both writer and artist positions? -- of course, but do keep in mind that you will only be chosen for one of the two.
17) are you going to open mod applications? -- at this time, no.
18) how will you be able to handle all the work as a singular mod? -- like i explained in my bio, i've completed the zine process in its entirety multiple times throughout the years for personal projects. i have every confidence that i can bring success to this project.
however, i know that's not enough for some people. that is why i also want to disclose that i am working closely with two other individuals who want to remain in the backdrop. both have worked as head mods on their own respective zines, and allow me to depend on them for guidance. they're not holding my hands, but instead steering me toward the right answers faster than if i was on my own. one of those head mods is @sunowls, who directed two volumes of @ynkkzine, the first of which had her as the only mod.
if you have any other questions, i would be more than happy to answer them. my DMs are always open.
1) are traditional pieces allowed in the zine? -- of course! the only things required are that you have access to a 300 dpi scanner and that you know how to clean dust particles.
2) can i submit non-BTS/yoonkook art? -- yes, but at least one of the submitted art pieces needs to be related to BTS in some way.
3) will we be able to create double-page spreads and/or comics? -- at this time, no. only one page pieces have been planned.
1) what is the criteria for the work i need to link? -- you can submit on-going fics as long as you think they are a true and accurate representation of your writing. each submitted work cannot be over 5k in word count.
2) can i submit non-BTS/yoonkook writing? -- yes, but at least one of the submitted writings needs to be related to BTS in some way.
(more Q&A's will be added as necessary)